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Yes, if done efficiently and productively. The government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc., and public transportation should be free and more affordable for everyone.
Yes, if done efficiently and productively. The government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc. Public transportation should be free and more affordable for everyone.
Yes, if done efficiently and productively. The government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc., and make sure it is. Public transportation should be free and more affordable for everyone.
This is a local issue, but yes.
Yes, if done efficiently and productively. The government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc., and provide more free public transportation for everyone.
Yes, if done efficiently and productively, and with more sustainable/eco-friendly standards. The government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc.
If it is necessary in order to improve it's quality, then yes.
No, public transportation should be free
Yes, the government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc.. It should be done efficiently and productively, and adheres to more sustainable standards.
No, and the government should not fund any transportation services
Yes, the government should concentrate on fixing and improving stations, railroads, trains, buses, etc.. Also, it should be done efficiently and productively, and adheres to more sustainable standards.
Yes but by utilizing more efficient private company services.
Yes, but this should be left up to the state and local governments to decide, and public transportation should only be funded within states and cities, not the federal government. Also, current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses, etc.
I’m uneducated on this issue
No, it should be handled at the state and local levels
Yes, but this is a local issue.
Yes, by the local governments.
Regardless, this should be decided at the state and local level.
Public transportation should be free but I do not want to pay more in taxes.
Yes because, covid is happening during 2020
The government should fund both public and private transportation services more.
We should have a better rail network between the major cities and better public transport in the individual states.
We should have nationwide rail service and free transport in cities.
Yes, but only if the spending goes towards environmentally friendly solutions. Every state needs to have public transport options for those who cannot afford cars.
No, we already have Uber and Lyft you weirdos!! Buses are full of homeless sickos and perverts.
Yes, but once the deficit is in check
No, public transportation spending should be adjusted on the state and local level
Yes, provide more free public transportation; and invest in cleaner alternatives to air travel, such as high-speed rail
No, public transportation spending should be handled on the state and local level
Yes, but it should be the responsibility of local and state governments.
Maybe after the pandemic.
No, this should be left up to the state and local governments to decide, and they should fund public transportation on states and cities, not the federal government. Other than that, current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses etc.
Yes, but only state and local governments should fund public transportation and current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses etc.
Yes, but only state and local governments should have the responsibility to fund public transportation, and current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses etc.
No, this should be left up to the state and local governments to decide, not the federal government, and they should only fund public transportation within states and cities. Other than that, current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses etc.
Yes, but this should be left up to state and local governments to decide; public transportation should only be funded within states and cities, not the federal government. Current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses, etc.
Yes, but this should be left up to state and local governments to decide. Current budget should be reallocated towards fixing and improving stations, trains, buses, etc.
Yes, provide more free public transportation; and invest in cleaner alternatives to air travel, such as high-speed rail.
Yes, only in heavily populated areas
Yes, the State should develop options for public transportation.
Increase public spending on existing public transportation infrastructure (repair, maintain, replace)
as long as people pay when they use it so it helps cover the cost
Yes, but it should be cost effective and environmentally friendly
Yes, but it should be cost effective
Yes; nationalize the industry and make all public transportation free.
Yes; socialize the industry and make all public transportation free.
Yes; provide more free public transportation and reform our infrastructure as to limit our dependency on automobiles in favor of trains, subways, etc.
Yes, and we should privatize more public transportation systems.
No, this should be decided at the state and local level.
Yes because some people might not have enough money for a car so they have to transport by public transportation.
depends on how far you are going and where you are going
The federal government should only be involved when State lines are crossed
Where would the funding go to? Many metropolitan areas already have sufficient methods, so increasing subsidies to those cities would deny developing cities the budgets that they would require to address their growing needs. However, if the money would be distributed to cities with growing populations and inadequate systems, then yes, the spending would be warranted.
Public transportation funding needs to come from the state government because needs are different in each state.
There is enough transportation for the average citizen to get to point A to point B. This is more a individual matter, so no.
Yes, looking at other countries that use public transportation as their main transportation instead of cars seems to work just fine and reduces carbon emissions quite substantially.
Yes, but the state government should determine the funding
No, keep it at the state level
Not right now, but once the deficit is reduced then yes.
Neither. Only increase spending if necessary.
This should be up to state and local municipalities.
Maintain spending but reform budgets to more efficiently use funding
No they should keep the spending as is
Should be decided on state level.
It should be the states' decision.
Yes, this will help those who are low-income to get around
Yes, it will help those who are low-income to get around
Yes, but only by reallocating funds from other government expenses, whether that would be from military, medicare, social security, etc, but not in an excessive amount to where it dramatically impacts those categories.
Yes, but with the long-term goal of funding more environmentally friendly modes of transportation
Yes, but only major high-speed railways and space travel
yes, if the funding includes making driving harder for humans and easier for robot cars to speed up and make the roads safer.
Let the local government and states decide. And use local dollars.
depends on where it is happening
Yes, but let state and local governments decide how much.
Yes, but let state and local governments decide.
Yes, but let state and local governments to decide.
Yes. because it can help with lowering the amount of pollution/waste.
More local/state government should
we should have public funding for all infastructures.
Yes, but only slightly and every new vehicle must be carbon neutral or carbon negative if possible.
Yes, but only for environmental friendly solutions and for those who cannot afford personal transportation or are unable to transport themselves due to disabilities.
For right now no because no one is taking public transportation because of the corona virus
If only people start to take care of what is given to them to help them.
No, but the government should encourage sustainable means of transportation (walking, cycling, etc.)
No, most people who take public transportation can't afford a car so what makes the government think they can pay extra for transportation every day? It should be reduced, free, or just staay how it is.
Yes, make it so people can apply for free transportation to get to work or hospitals if they do not make enough.
no, only when it is necessary.
Try adding more funding in poor communities to benefit the citizens so they can get to their work and get more oppurtunities.
Keep it at the state or even the local level.
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