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Nejnovější národní průzkumy

Níže uvedená tabulka ukazuje historickou podporu každé politické strany ve Croatia . Oblasti plné [ ? ] jsou neznámé časové rámce s nízkým objemem. Kliknutím na řádek zobrazíte podrobnější informace o dotazování.

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Toto jsou nejpoutavější diskuse o Croatian politických stranách.

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

sociálně demokratická strana Chorvatska

The Social Democratic Party of Croatia, known in Croatian as Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske (SDP), is a political party that has played a significant role in Croatia's political landscape, particularly since the country's independence in the early 1990s. Emerging from the socialist and social democratic traditions, the SDP positions itself as a center-left political force, advocating for policies and principles that align with modern social democracy.

The core values of the SDP revolve around social justice, equality, and solidarity. The party is committed to the idea that the…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Istrijské demokratické shromáždění

The Croatian Istrian Democratic Assembly, known by its Croatian acronym IDS-DDI (Istarski demokratski sabor - Dieta democratica Istriana), is a regional political party in Croatia, primarily active in the Istria County. Founded in 1990, shortly before Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia, the party has played a significant role in advocating for the rights and interests of the Istrian region and its people. The IDS-DDI is characterized by its strong commitment to regionalism, decentralization, and the protection of cultural and linguistic diversity, reflecting the unique identity of…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

chorvatští suverénní

The Croatian Sovereignists are a political party in Croatia that emerged from a coalition of right-wing and conservative groups, aiming to promote a strong sense of national identity and sovereignty. Their values are deeply rooted in the preservation of Croatian cultural and historical heritage, emphasizing the importance of maintaining Croatia's independence in the face of globalization and supranational entities like the European Union. They advocate for policies that prioritize Croatia's interests, often focusing on issues such as immigration, national security, and the protectio…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...11 měsíců11MO

Chorvatská demokratická unie

The Croatian Democratic Union, known in Croatian as Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ), is a prominent political party in Croatia that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its foundation in 1989, in the lead-up to Croatia's independence from Yugoslavia. Founded by Franjo Tuđman, the party was instrumental in leading the country to independence and has been a major force in Croatian politics ever since, governing the country for much of its post-independence history.

The Croatian Democratic Union is generally positioned on the center-right of the…  Přečtěte si více