Al gener de 2018, Alemanya va aprovar la llei NetzDG que exigia plataformes com Facebook, Twitter i YouTube per eliminar el contingut il·legal percebut en un termini de 24 hores o set dies, segons el càrrec, o arriscar una multa de 50 milions d’euros (60 milions de dòlars). Al juliol de 2018, representants de Facebook, Google i Twitter van negar al comitè judicial de la Càmera de Representants dels Estats Units que censura el contingut per motius polítics. Durant l’audiència, els membres del Congrés republicà van cri…
Llegeix més@ISIDEWITH6mos6MO
How do you feel about governments deciding what kind of content should be removed from social media platforms?
Have you ever witnessed or experienced online content being removed or censored, and how did it make you feel?
Do you think fake news is such a serious issue that governments should regulate what gets posted online?
When social media companies censor content, do you think they are protecting users or limiting free expression?
How can social media platforms balance the need to stop harmful content without silencing free speech?
Do you think the threat of major fines encourages companies to act responsibly, or does it make them overly cautious?
Should individuals be allowed to decide for themselves what information is true or false, or should authorities step in?
Have you ever shared or come across content online that was later taken down? How did that affect your trust in the platform?
How should social media handle offensive but not illegal content, considering diverse global views?
Do you think social media companies have the power to shape political and social opinions through content regulation?